MDC Wholesale Cigars | Cigar Distributor | Wholesale Cigars Online

Wholesale Cigars Distributor

MDC Wholesale Cigars is a national wholesale cigar distributor with large clients specializing in casinos, hospitality and resorts - and small businesses as well. 

In addition to being a turn-key cigar solution, we also offer on-site consulting for our national clients bringing sales optimization, staff training on cigar knowledge and custom menu creation. Our methods are proven to increase sales, margins and customer satisfaction while providing the highest quality hand made cigars.

A Kind Gesture Goes a Long Way

Want to really make your cigar buying customers happy? Offer to cut their cigars for them and put them back in the bag. It's a simple gesture but it lets them know that you care enough to realize that maybe they don't have a quality cigar cutter handy or nearby. This way if they are on their way to a friend's house or to the golf course, it's one less thing they need to worry about and one more thing they'll remember your employees by. And don't forget to put their fresh cigars into a sealable cigar bag so they stay fresh!
