MDC Wholesale Cigars | Cigar Distributor | Wholesale Cigars Online

Wholesale Cigars Distributor

MDC Wholesale Cigars is a national wholesale cigar distributor with large clients specializing in casinos, hospitality and resorts - and small businesses as well. 

In addition to being a turn-key cigar solution, we also offer on-site consulting for our national clients bringing sales optimization, staff training on cigar knowledge and custom menu creation. Our methods are proven to increase sales, margins and customer satisfaction while providing the highest quality hand made cigars.

Choose the Right Cigar Packaging to Grow your Sales

You will find in many instances that there are two choices available in the way cigars are packaged. Some cigars are available packaged in just cellophane and sometimes the manufacturer will also offer that same cigar in a decorative metal or glass tube. It will usually cost just a few cents more for this fancier packaging but it is well worth it. The packaging will capture your customer's attention far quicker than the other cigars. 

There are also two hidden bonuses to tubed cigars. One is that they stay fresher longer since they are packaged in an air tight container. The other advantage is that they won't get beat up like unprotected cigars which can get knocked around. 

So now that you've found your obvious choice to buy wholesale cigars online from the most trusted name in wholesale cigar distributors, now you also know what the right packaging is.
